Troubleshooting – Call Debugging


  2. Frequent issues/questions

    ZIP codes for NL are composed of 6 digits: 4 numbers and 2 letters. Please enter them in the response without spaces.
    ZIP codes for UK are composed of letters and numbers. Please enter them in the response without spaces or any form of underscores, brackets etc.
    Do pay attention you keep to the 35-character limit for fields as ‘Street’ and ‘Name’. If you are using some sort of auto cut-off, then valid info such as house numbers or departments/floors indication may disappear from the data and the label. Please use prior validation before feeding these values to the API.
    Try to add phone and e-mailaddress whenever you can. For some services (DPD Home, Express, …) these are mandatory, but even for other shipments it is valuable to enter.
    Phone numbers are preferably added in the following syntax: +32475% or +316588% . Do not use spaces, underscores nor brackets etc.
    Weight is a preferred field and uses decagrams and will become mandatory for shipments in time. Please do fill it out. 1 Kilo translates to the value ‘100’
    Parcel measurements are optional; when filled out, please use the correct syntax being >HHHWWWDDD< in cm.
    Do not use the namespace in address fields for any destination other than USA or Canada
    Express shipments require a mandatory mobile phone number ,capable of receiving an SMS, in the recipient segment.
    Use the exact same e-mail address/phone number for DPD Home and DPD Shop shipments in the recipient segment as in the predict segment.
    References 1 & 2 will be printed on the label and will be on sight visible in Shipping Reports (, references 3 & 4 will only appear in the data.

    Error Codes

    The following error return codes can occur when working with the API.

    Please check them first before contacting DPD Customer IT.

    Error code Customer DPD Service Description
    address_name_length_too_long ✓ Shipment Address name too long. Maximum length is 35 characters
    address_street_length_too_long ✓ Shipment Street name too long. Maximum length is 35 characters
    Collecting_address_for_CR_not_specified ✓ Shipment Please rovide correct collecting or pickup address for Collection Request.
    DELICOM_ERR_AUTHENTICATION ✓ Shipment Invalid Authentication data provided. Check DelisID and AuthToken
    DELICOM_ERR_BAD_PRODUCT ✓ ✓ Shipment Bad product code specified. Contact DPD if you the product code is allowed for you, but not working
    DELICOM_ERR_INVALID_AVAILABILITY_DATE ✓ Parcelshop Invalid date for checking parcel shop availability in search parameters.
    DELICOM_ERR_MISSING_PARCELSHOPID ✓ Shipment Parcel shop ID missing. Error occurs when PSD product is specified or parcel shop delivery attributes are provided but are not complete.
    DELICOM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_PAPER_FORMAT ✓ Shipment Invalid paper format defined for printing. A4 and A6 is allowed
    DELICOM_ERR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT ✓ All except Login Authentication token missing from request.
    DELICOM_ERR_TOO_LONG_CITY ✓ Shipment Recipient’s cirty name too long. Maximum length is 35 characters
    DELICOM_ERR_TOO_LONG_CUSTOMER_REF_NUMBER1 (or 2,3,4) ✓ Shipment Shipment reference 1 (or 2,3,4) too long. Maximum length is 35 characters
    DELICOM_ERR_TOO_LONG_NAME1 ✓ Shipment Recipient’s name too long. Maximum length is 35 characters
    DELICOM_ERR_TOO_LONG_NAME2 ✓ Shipment Recipient’s name (second line) too long. Maximum length is 35 characters
    DELICOM_ERR_TOO_LONG_SENDER_CITY ✓ Shipment Sender’s cirty name too long. Maximum length is 35 characters
    DELICOM_ERR_TOO_LONG_SENDER_NAME1 ✓ Shipment Sender’s name too long. Maximum length is 35 characters
    DELICOM_ERR_TOO_LONG_SENDER_NAME2 ✓ Shipment Sender’s name (second line) too long. Maximum length is 35 characters
    DELICOM_ERR_TYRES_NOT_SUPPORTED ✓ ✓ Shipment Bad product option ‘Tyres’. Contact DPD if you the product code is allowed for you, but not working
    DELICOM_ERR_UNEXPECTED ✓ All except Login Something unexpected happened, please contact DPD.
    Empty_email_address ✓ Shipment Contact/notification email is required, please provide it.
    Empty_phone_number ✓ Shipment Contact/notification phone number is required, please provide it.
    Empty_phone_number_and_email ✓ Shipment Contact/notification email or phone number is required, please provide it.
    ERR_DELICOM_AUTH_DATA_MISSING ✓ All except Login Authentication data haven’t been provided as required.
    ERR_DELICOM_AUTH_HEADER_MISSING ✓ All Authentication data haven’t been provided as required (XML SOAP header missing).
    ERR_DELICOM_CUST_NO_CONFIG ✓ All Customer doesn’t have an active configuration for given login. Contact DPD
    ERR_DELICOM_TOKEN_EXPIRED ✓ All except Login Request a valid token using the LoginService. Tokens are valid for 24h
    ERR_DELICOM_TOKEN_INCORRECT ✓ All except Login Request a valid token using the LoginService.
    err_parcel_number_taken_meanwhile ✓ Shipment Retry the shipment call. The parcelnumber was already taken by another of your calls. This can occur with high load/frequency subsequent calls.
    ERR_RETURN_NOT_FOUND ✓ All System configuration error,contact DPD.
    gross_weight_and_declared_weight_are_not_equal ✓ Shipment Check if customs clearance data are provided equally.
    Incorrect_email_address ✓ Shipment Email address is in wrong format.
    Incorrect_phone_number ✓ Shipment Phone number is in incorrect format. Use stardadized tel. number format (for example +134564784454).
    invalid_city_name ✓ Shipment Invalid recipient ZIP code. Also in case of providing custom pickup address, it can mean error there.
    invalid_dest_city ✓ Shipment City name can not be validated with country/zip
    invalid_dest_zip ✓ Shipment Invalid recipient ZIP code. Also in case of providing custom pickup address.
    invalid_zip ✓ Shipment Invalid recipient ZIP code. Also in case of providing custom pickup address.
    My_pudo_deserialize_error ✓ Parcelshop There has been an error querying pickup points data. Contact DPD
    My_pudo_error ✓ ✓ Parcelshop There has been an error querying pickup points data. Contact DPD // or // Invalid Parcelshop ID is given.
    Parcel_exceeds_maximum_allowed_weight ✓ Shipment Maximum parcel weight exceeded for recipients destination and product.
    Parcel_number_already_exists ✓ Shipment A parcel number that was already used has been provided.
    Parcel_number_invalid_length ✓ Shipment Use correct length of the parcel number when providing own parcel number in request.
    Parcel_number_not_available_within_ranges ✓ Shipment Contact DPD, your labelrange has been depleted. We will renew it asap.
    Parcel_number_not_numeric ✓ Shipment Parcel number can contain only numbers, not letters.
    Parcel_number_not_within_customer_ranges ✓ Shipment A parcel number that doesn’t belong to the customer making the request has been provided.
    Product_not_allowed_in_destination ✓ Shipment A specific rule set by the business unit in Shipper Admin forbids the delivery of the product to the recipient’s country.
    Products_combination_not_allowed ✓ Shipment A specific rule set by the business unit in Shipper Admin forbids combining products and additional services specified in the request.
    program_logic_fault ✓ All Unexpected error. Customer should contact DPD.
    protocol_error_no_shipment_to_print ✓ End-of-Day If no shipments fit into the filter specified by EOD service request, customer gets this error.
    Return_address_must_be_specified_for_return_service ✓ Shipment Missing return address if the return is used as additional service (if there is a normal product + a return parcel specified).
    Routing_impossible ✓ Shipment The selected product and services combination isn’t routable (deliverable) to given destination according to the GeoRouting data.
    Routing_impossible_service_codes_not_found ✓ Shipment If CountrySpecificService code is provided, it’s an invalid one.
    Sending_depot_unknown ✓ ✓ Shipment Wrong sending depot set for pickup address.
    SHP_VALID_ERR_API_ENDPOINT_NOT_ALLOWED ✓ All Endpoint not allowed, contact DPD if you should be able to use it.
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COLLECTION_REQUEST_ADDRESS_NAME1 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COLLECTION_REQUEST_ADDRESS_NAME2 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COLLECTION_REQUEST_ADDRESS_STREET ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COLLECTION_REQUEST_ADDRESS_STREET2 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COMMERCIAL_INVOICE_CONSIGNEE_NAME1 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COMMERCIAL_INVOICE_CONSIGNEE_NAME2 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COMMERCIAL_INVOICE_CONSIGNEE_STREET ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COMMERCIAL_INVOICE_CONSIGNEE_STREET2 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COMMERCIAL_INVOICE_CONSIGNOR_NAME1 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COMMERCIAL_INVOICE_CONSIGNOR_NAME2 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COMMERCIAL_INVOICE_CONSIGNOR_STREET ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_COMMERCIAL_INVOICE_CONSIGNOR_STREET2 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_INVOICE_ADDRESS_NAME1 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_INVOICE_ADDRESS_NAME2 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_INVOICE_ADDRESS_STREET ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_INVOICE_ADDRESS_STREET2 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_SENDER_STREET ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_SENDER_STREET2 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_STREET ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SHP_VALID_ERR_TOO_LONG_STREET2 ✓ Shipment Maximum length is 35 characters
    SCHEMA_VALIDATION ✓ All The WS request was malformed, check the xml structure
    Unknown_return_service_code ✓ Shipment This is a system configuration error. If it occurs, contact DPD.
    Unknown_sms_notification_allowance_type_code ✓ Shipment This is a system configuration error. If it occurs, contact DPD.
    Zero_cod_amount_not_allowed ✓ Shipment Customer should provide a non-sero and non-negative COD amount.
    SYSTEM_ERROR_TRANSIENT ✓ All Retry the call after a minute. If the error repeats, The system might be overloaded. Contact DPD
    SYSTEM_DOWN_UNEXPECTED ✓ All Webservice is down. Contact DPD
    SYSTEM_DOWN_MAINTANANCE ✓ All Webservice is down for maintanance. Retry in a few minutes.

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