
  1. History

    Version 3.4.0
    – getAvailableProductsAndServices method added
    Version 3.3.0
    – New fields and descriptions in the address type
    – New fault code in the faultCodeType
    – Changed description of the mpsWeight in the GeneralShipmentData type
    – New and deleted fields in the international type
    – New complex type internationalLine
    – Changed decription of weight and new fields in the parcel type
    Version 3.2.0
    – New field extraPickup in pickup
    – New field startPosition in printOptions
    Version 3.1.0
    – New field tyres in productAndServiceData
    – Field customerNumber in sender/recipient address and field invoicePosition in international must be numeric.
    – Parcelblock is optional, for only one parcel with no additional data.
    – Return parcel label in format A7 support.
    – Return parcel label receipt support.
    – Variable sender address support.
    – Parcel with 0kg weight handle as classic parcel.
    Version 3.0.0
    – New field countrySpecificService in productAndServiceData
    – Removed field paperFormat in storeOrders
    – Introduced new element printOptions in storeOrders with paperformat, printertype and printer options

  2. Methods

    Following methods are available for the service ShipmentService-Public_3_4

    Method name Description
    storeOrders Stores up to 30 shipments and creates corresponding shipment  documents.
    getAvailableProductsAndServices Get available products and services


    Method: storeOrders


    Stores up to 30 shipments and creates corresponding shipment documents.

    Sample request:

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="http://" xmlns:ns1=" ShipmentService/3.4">
    <delisId><your delisId></delisId>
    <authToken><your authToken></authToken>
    <street>Strasse 1</street>
    <street2>Strasse 2</street2>                </sender>
    <referenceNumber>12345 ref</referenceNumber>



    The input for method storeOrders is as follows:

    Name Element
    authentication * types_authentication:authentication
    parameters types:storeOrders

    * header parameter


    The output for method storeOrders is as follows:

    Name Element
    return types:storeOrdersResponse


    The defined faults for method storeOrders are as follows:

    Name Element
    AuthenticationFault types_authentication:authenticationFault


    Method: getAvailableProductsAndServices


    Get available products and services

    Sample request:

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns1="">



    The input for method getAvailableProductsAndServices is as follows:

    Name Element
    authentication * types_authentication:authentication

    * header parameter


    The output for method getAvailableProductsAndServices is as follows:

    Name Element
    return types:getAvailableProductsAndServicesResponse
  3. Complex Types

    Namespace: types


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: address

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    name1 xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 50

    Name of address owner. For dangerous goods the  maximum length is 50, otherwise always 35. If name2 is empty and length of name1 exceed above maximum length, then value of name1 is split between name1 and name2 fields.
    name2 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Name 2 of address owner.
    street xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 50

    Street of address owner. For dangerous goods the  maximum length is 50, otherwise always 35. If street2 is empty and length of street exceed above maximum length, then value of street is split between street and street2 fields.
    houseNo xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 8

    House number of address owner. Maximum length is 8.
    state xs:string /

    0 .. 1 / length: 2

    State of address owner in ISO 3166-2 code (e.g. BY  = Bayern).
    country xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 2

    Country of address owner in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2  format (e.g. ‘DE’).
    zipCode xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 9

    Zip code of address owner.


    city xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 50

    City/town of address owner. For dangerous goods  the maximum length is 50, otherwise always 35.
    gln xs:long /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999


    International location number of address owner.
    customerNumber xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 17

    Customer number of address owner. Maximum  length is 17 for consignment and pickup information,  11 for collection request. Mandatory for sender’s  address.
    type xs:string / 1..1 / maxLength: 1 B = business

    P = private

    contact xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Contact person of address owner.
    phone xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 30

    Phone number of address owner. Mandatory if  phone is the chosen notification channel. No  required data format.

    Either phone or email is mandatory in the complex type international.

    fax xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 30

    Fax number of address owner. No required data  format.
    email xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 50

    Email address of address owner. For collection  requests the maximum length is 40, otherwise  always 50.

    Either phone or email is mandatory in the complex type international.

    comment xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 70

    Comment on address owner.
    iaccount xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 50

    Account allocation or cost center (for VTG) of invoice  data for consignments.
    eoriNumber xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 20

    If type = B: either eori or vatNumber is mandatory
    vatNumber xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 20

    If type = B: either eori or vatNumber is mandatory
    idDocType xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 1

    Type of identification document:

    P: PASSPORT Number

    C : CNPJ (ou CPF) Number (Brésil)

    if type = B this field becomes mandatory (dependency of the custom export regime) applicable or not according export custom clearance of origin country

    idDocNumber xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 20

    Identification document number
    webSite xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 255

    For sender: Selling website, it becomes mandatory if field type is B and the sender is a Ecommercant
    street2 xs: string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    2nd address line of owner
    referenceNumber xs: string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Reference number of owner


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: cod

    Description Bundles cash on delivery data.

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    amount xs:long /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999


    COD amount in the currency of the destination  country. The amount is specified as integer value  e.g. 300.00 becomes 30000.

    Please note the national ceilings for cod in the  corresponding relations.

    currency xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 3

    ISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code (destination  country).
    inkasso xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /



    Defines collection type. Possible values are:

    0  = cash

    1  = crossed cheque

    purpose xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 14

    Purpose of use.
    bankCode xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 25

    Bank code.

    If this value is filled, parameters for bankName,  bankAccountNumber and bankAccountHolder must  also be filled.

    bankName xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 27

    Bank name.

    If this value is filled, parameters for bankCode,  bankAccountNumber and bankAccountHolder must  also be filled.

    bankAccountNumber xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 25

    Bank account number.
    If this value is filled, parameters for bankCode,  bankName and bankAccountHolder must also be  filled.
    bankAccountHolder xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 30

    Account holder.

    If this value is filled, parameters for bankCode,  bankName and bankAccountNumber must also be  filled.

    iban xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 50

    International bank account number .

    If this value is filled, parameters for bankCode,  bankName, bankAccountNumber and  bankAccountHolder must also be filled.

    bic xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 50

    Bank identifier code.

    If this value is filled, parameters for bankCode,  bankName, bankAccountNumber and  bankAccountHolder must also be filled.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: delivery

    Description Bundles delivery data.

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    day xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 20

    Allowed delivery days in the week (0 = Sunday, 1 =  Monday etc.).

    Comma separated list of possible delivery days (e.g.  “2,3,4,5”).

    dateFrom xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999

    Fixed delivery from date – format YYYYMMDD, e.g.  20080213.
    dateTo xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999

    Fixed delivery to date – format YYYYMMDD, e.g.  20080213.
    timeFrom xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 2400

    Time from which the consignee is available – format  hhmm (local time receipient country), e.g. 1400 or  0830.
    timeTo xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 2400

    Time until the consignee is available – format hhmm  (local time receipient country), e.g. 1600 or 0930.

    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: faultCodeType

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    faultCode xs:string / 1 .. 1 / DATABASE_8 – delete fails on database level during

    rollback after some other error

    DATABASE_21 – order is to be inserted in database,  but has already a database id

    DATABASE_22 – order is to be committed after  inserting, but there is no database id for update  given

    DATABASE_24 – deletion is necessary because of  some other error, but no database id for record is  given

    MPSEXP_1 – parcel label number is already in use ROUTING_1 – no route could be found for depot and  feature

    ROUTING_2 – invalid input data

    ROUTING_3 – the connection to the database failed

    ROUTING_4 – an internal failure occurs

    ROUTING_5 – no depot could be found

    ROUTING_6 – no pickup date was given

    ROUTING_7 – internal extension rule error

    ROUTING_8 – malformed zip code

    ROUTING_9 – missing country code

    ROUTING_10 – missing routing place

    ROUTING_11 – missing service code

    ROUTING_12 – routing place error ROUTING_13 – sending date error

    ROUTING_14 – service code error

    ROUTING_15 – invalid relation of service codes

    ROUTING_16 – unknown country code

    ROUTING_17 – unknown destination depot

    ROUTING_18 – unknown zip code

    ROUTING_19 – unknown routing place

    ROUTING_20 – unknown service code

    ROUTING_21 – invalid service code

    ROUTING_21 – parcel is labelled as return parcel  but returns is not possible

    ROUTING_22 – missing allow

    ROUTING_23 – missing routing place or destination  depot

    CUSTOMS_1 – customs data are not complete

    message xs:string / 1 .. 1 / Message with detailed information for the fault (e.g.

    incorrect field).


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: generalShipmentData


    Bundles general shipment data.

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    mpsId xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    length: 25

    The shipment number for consignment data. The  shipment number is only accepted if the parcel label  number is allocated by customer.

    It starts with one of “MPS”, “EXP” or “B2C”, the last  eight ciphers are the date in format yyyyMMdd.

    cUser xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 10

    Not used, do not include in the call. User ID of the person who made the entry.
    mpsCustomerReference Number1 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 50

    Consignment customer reference number 1  (maximal length 35), also customer reference  number for collection request orders (maximal  length 50).
    Shown on label and included in electronic data, but not shown on label for Collection Requests.
    mpsCustomerReference Number2 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Consignment customer reference number 2.
    Shown on label and included in electronic data, but not shown on label for Collection Requests.
    mpsCustomerReference Number3 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Consignment customer reference number 3. Not shown on any label, but included in electronic data.
    mpsCustomerReference Number4 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Consignment customer reference number 4.
    Not shown on any label, but included in electronic data.
    identificationNumber xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 999

    Not used, do not include in the call. Serves as unique alphanumeric key of the shipment  used by customer. Can obtain up to 999 ciphers.


    sendingDepot xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 4

    Sending depot for consignment, ordering depot  for collection request, customer’s depot for pickup  information or creating/sending depot for dangerous  goods. 4 alphanumeric places, including leading  zeros, e.g. 0163.
    product xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /










    Selection of product, exactly one per shipment,  mandatory for consignment data. Possible values  are:


    E830 = DPD 8:30

    E10 = DPD 10:00

    E12 = DPD 12:00

    E18 = DPD 18:00


    PL = DPD PARCELLetter

    PL+ = DPD PARCELLetterPlus

    MAIL = DPD International Mail

    mpsCompleteDelivery xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Not used, do not include in the call. Defines if the shipment should be sent as complete  delivery. Mandatory for COD. Default value is false.
    mpsCompleteDelivery Label xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Not used, do not include in the call. Defines if the label for complete delivery is printed  for pickup. Default value is false.
    mpsVolume xs:long /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 999999999

    Not used, do not include in the call. Volume per consignment in cm3 (without decimal  places).
    mpsWeight xs:long /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999

    Not used, do not include in the call. Shipment weight in dekagrams units without

    decimal delimiter (e.g. 300 equals 3kg). Sum of weight (complex type parcel) equal mpsWeight

    Sum of grossWeight (complex type international) equal mpsWeight


    mpsExpectedSending Date xs:string / 0 .. 1 /

    pattern: [2][0-9]{3}([0][0-9



    Not used, do not include in the call. Date when the shipment is expected to be  transferred to the system. Format is YYYYMMDD.
    mpsExpectedSending Time xs:string / 0 .. 1 /

    pattern: (([1][0-9]|[2][0-3] |[0][0-9])([0-5][0-9])([0-5][



    Time when the shipment is expected to be  transferred to the system. Format is HHMMSS.
    sender types:address /

    1 .. 1 /

    Consignment sender’s address, collection  request customer’s address or pickup information  customer’s address.
    recipient types:address /

    1 .. 1 /

    Address of the recipient. For parcel shop delivery  address of the real recipient.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: hazardous

    Description Bundles hazardous materials data.

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    identificationUnNo xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 4

    Defines UN number of hazardous substance. UN  numbers range between 0004 and 9004.
    identificationClass xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 6

    Defines class of hazardous substance. Possible  values range from 1 to 9. Subclasses are specified  as position after decimal point

    (e.g. class 1 is “explosives”, class 1.6 is “extremely  insensitive explosives”).

    classificationCode xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 5

    Defines classification code of hazardous substance.
    packingGroup xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 5

    Defines packing group of hazardous substance.  Common values are “I”, “II” or “III”.
    packingCode xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /




    Defines packing code. Possible values are:

    0A = thin sheet packing

    0A1 = thin sheet packing with non removable head

    0A2 = thin sheet packing with removable head 1A = steel barrel






























    1A1 = steel barrel with non removable head

    1A2 = steel barrel with removable head

    1B = aluminium barrel

    1B1 = aluminium barrel with non removable head

    1B2 = aluminium barrel with removable head

    1H = plastics barrel

    1H1 = plastics barrel with non removable head

    1H2 = plastics barrel with removable head

    3A = steel canister

    3A1 = steel canister with non removable head

    3A2 = steel canister with removable head

    3B = aluminium canister,

    3B1 = aluminium canister with non removable head

    3B2 = aluminium canister with removable head

    3H = plastics canister,

    3H1 = plastics canister with non removable head

    3H2 = plastics canister with removable head

    4A = steel crates

    4B = aluminium crate

    4D = plywood crate

    4G = cardboard crate

    4H = plastics crate

    4H1 = plastics crate plastics expanded

    4H2 = plastics crate plastics solid

    5H = plastics bags

    5M = paper bags

    6H = combination packings

    description xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 160

    Description of hazardous substance (redundant).
    subsidiaryRisk xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 10

    Subsidiary risk of hazardous substance (redundant).
    tunnelRestrictionCode xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /






    Tunnel restriction code of hazardous substance  (redundant). Possible values are “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” or  “E”.
    hazardousWeight xs:decimal /

    1 .. 1 / totalDigits: 6 fractionDigits: 2

    Weight of hazardous substance with 4 places before  decimal point and 2 decimal places (with separator).
    netWeight xs:decimal /

    0 .. 1 / totalDigits: 6 fractionDigits: 2

    Net weight of hazardous substance with 4 places  before decimal point and 2 decimal places (with  separator).
    factor xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 999

    Factor of hazardous substance (redundant ). 999  means unlimited.
    notOtherwiseSpecified xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 150

    A not otherwise specified text which is mandatory for  some substances.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: higherInsurance

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    amount xs:long /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999


    Increased insurance value with 2 decimal point  positions without separators.
    currency xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 3

    Currency code for increased insurance in format ISO  4217 alpha 3.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: international

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    parcelType xs:boolean /

    1 .. 1 /

    Defines if the type of parcel is “documents” (allowed  for air based destination only). Default value is  false.
    customsAmount xs:long /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999


    Defines the customs amount in total without decimal  separator (e.g. 14.000 = 14000). For documents it is 0.
    customsCurrency xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 3

    Currency code in ISO 4217 alpha-3 format.
    customsAmountEx xs:long /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999


    Defines the converted customs amount in total without decimal  separator (e.g. 14.000 = 14000). For documents it is 0.
    customsCurrencyEx xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 3

    Currency code in ISO 4217 alpha-3 format. Currency for conversion (destination country).
    clearanceCleared xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 1



    (E)xport Cleared,

    (T)ransit cleared,

    (I)mport Cleared,


    prealertStatus xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 3

    S03 = Data captured by sending depot

    S04 = Data are available for export gateway depots

    S05 = Pre-alert provided (1st linehaul)

    S06 = Return to sending depot by export gateway

    S07 = Deactivated

    S08 =HV import customs cleared

    S09 = transit via road (T1)

    S13 = Pre-alert provided (2nd linehaul)

    S14 = Returned by import gateway (1st linehaul)

    S15 = LV import customs cleared

    S16 = Returns to sending country (2nd linehaul)

    exportReason xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 2

    Reason for export :

    01: sale

    02: return/replacement

    03: gift

    customsTerms xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /






    Declares the customs terms. Possible values are:

    01  = DAP, cleared

    02  = DDP, delivered duty paid (incl. duties and excl.


    03  = DDP, delivered duty paid (incl duties and taxes)

    05  = ex works (EXW)

    06  = DAP

    customsContent xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Describes the content of the parcel.
    customsPaper xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 20

    Lists the accompanying documents. The values  are to be combined without separator (e.g. “ABG”).

    Following values are defined:

    A  = commercial invoice

    B  = pro forma invoice

    C  = export declaration

    D  = EUR1


    E  = EUR2

    F  = ATR

    G  = delivery note

    H  = third party billing

    I    = T1 document

    customsEnclosure xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Defines if the accompanying documents are at the  parcel or not. Default value is false.
    customsInvoice xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 20

    Defines the invoice number.
    customsInvoiceDate xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999

    Defines the invoice date (format YYYYMMDD).
    customsAmountParcel xs:long /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999


    Parcel value with two decimal places without  separator.
    linehaul xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /



    Defines mode of line haul. Possible values are “AI”  for air and “RO” for road.
    shipMrn xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 20

    Movement reference number of the electronical  export declaration.
    collectiveCustoms Clearance xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Flag for determining collective customs clearance.  Default value is false.
    comment1 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 70

    comment2 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 70

    Second comment.


    xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 20

    Defines the commercial invoice consignee VAT  number.
    commercialInvoice Consignee types:address /

    1 .. 1 /

    Contains address data of commercial invoice  consignee.
    commercialInvoice Consignor types:address /

    1 .. 1 /

    Contains address data of commercial invoice  consignor.
    commercialInvoiceLine types:internationalLine / 1 .. * / Contains invoice line data


    Complex Type: internationalLine

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    customsTarif xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 10

    The customs tarif number.
    receiverCustomsTarif xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 8

    The customs tarif number of the destination country.
    productCode xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 255

    Internal customer product code – mandatory for destination country UK
    content xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 200

    Nature of goods
    grossWeight xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999

    Total weight of the article including packaging, in grams. This is not the unit weight.

    Weight in dekagrams units without

    decimal delimiter (e.g. 300 equals 3kg)

    itemsNumber xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 9999

    Quantity of items
    amountLine xs:long /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999


    The customs amount of the article without decimal  separator (e.g. 14.000 = 14000).


    customsOrigin xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 2

    Origin country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (e.g.  ‘DE’).
    invoicePosition xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 6

    The invoice position.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: notification

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    channel xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /




    Defines channel of notification.

    Possible values are:

    1  = email

    2  = telephone

    3  = SMS

    value xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 50

    Value for the chosen channel, i.e. the phone       number or the e-mail address. No required data       format for SMS and phone.
    language xs:string /

    0 .. 1 / length: 2

    Language of the notification in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2  format (e.g. ‘DE’).


    Namespace: types Complex Type: parcel

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    parcelLabelNumber xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    minLength: 11 maxLength: 14

    Parcel label number. Number range and validity are  checked. Length can be 11 or 14.
    customerReference Number1 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Parcel customer reference number 1.
    customerReference Number2 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Parcel customer reference number 2.
    customerReference Number3 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Parcel customer reference number 3.
    customerReference Number4 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Parcel customer reference number 4.
    swap xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Defines if the parcel is a consignment swap parcel.  Default value is false.
    volume xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 999999999

    Volume of the single parcel (length/width/height in  format LLLWWWHHH) in cm without separators.
    weight xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999

    Parcel weight in dekagrams units without

    decimal delimiter (e.g. 300 equals 3kg).  Consignement allows 8-digit values, collection  requests 7-digit and dangerous goods 6-digit.

    hazardousLimited Quantities xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Defines if the parcel is a limited quantities hazardous  goods parcel. Default value is false.


    higherInsurance types:higherInsurance /

    0 .. 1 /

    Defines if the parcel has increased insurance value.  Default value is false.
    content xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 50

    Content of the parcel. Mandatory for increased  insurance. For collection requests maximum length  is 50, for consignment it is 35.
    addService xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /




    Additional service.

    Possible values are:

    1  = delivery information

    2  = documents return

    3  = written permission to deposit goods by sender

    messageNumber xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999

    Message number for consignment shipper  information. Default value is 1.
    function xs:string / 0 .. 1 /






    Blockable functions, possible values are:

    LOCKDZB = delivery to a third party with notification  of delivery

    LOCKASG = written permission to deposit goods

    LOCKEVM = delivery with non-recurring authority

    LOCKSHOP = parcel shop

    LOCKTV = appointment

    parameter xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 300

    Free text for blockable functions.
    cod types:cod /

    0 .. 1 /

    Contains COD data for COD consignments.
    international types:international / 0 .. 1 / Contains data for consignments across customs  frontiers.
    hazardous types:hazardous /

    0 .. 4 /

    Contains packing and substance data for dangerous  goods.
    printInfo1OnParcelLabel xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Determines if content of parameter info1 will be  added on the label of a collection request parcel.

    Default value is false.

    info1 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 29

    Information text 1. Will be printed on the parcel label  if the flag printInfo1OnParcellabel is set to true.
    info2 xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 30

    Information text 2. Will not be printed on the parcel  label.
    returns xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Defines if parcel is a return parcel. The return parcel  must always be next in order to the corresponding  outbound parcel. Default value is false.
    customsTransportCost xs:long /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999


    Custom transport cost without decimal separator (e.g. 14.000 = 14000). Mandatory for the destination country UK
    customsTransportCostCurrency xs:string /

    0 .. 1 / length: 3

    Currency code in ISO 4217 alpha-3 format.

    Mandatory for the destination country UK


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: parcelInformationType

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    parcelLabelNumber xs:string / 0 .. 1 / The parcel label number of the corresponding  parcel.
    dpdReference xs:string / 0 .. 1 / The DPD reference for this parcel.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: parcelShopDelivery

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    parcelShopId xs:long / 1 .. 1 / Parcel shop ID for parcel shop delivery.

    Can be obtained from parcel shop finder. Assumes  that parameter type of

    personal delivery is filled with a value from 3 to 5, which means parcel shop delivery. Mandatory in this  case.

    parcelShopNotification types:notification / 1 .. 1 / Contains data for personal notification for parcel  shop consignments.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: personalDelivery

    Description Bundles personal delivery data.

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    type xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /

    minInclusive: 1 maxInclusive: 5

    Defines type of personal delivery. Possible values  are:

    1              = department delivery (without personal identification)

    2              = personal delivery with personal identification (IDCheck)

    3              = personal delivery without personal identification at drop point (e.g. parcel shop)

    4              = personal delivery with personal identification at drop point (e.g. parcel shop)

    5              = personal delivery with personal identification at drop point plus ID-Check (e.g. parcel shop)

    For parcel shop delivery the parcel shop id must  be declared in productAndServiceData. It can be  obtained from parcel shop finder.

    floor xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 30

    Floor where the personal delivery shall take place.  This field is only used for department delivery.
    building xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 30

    Building where the personal delivery shall take  place. This field is only used for department delivery  (type 1).
    department xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 30

    Department where the personal delivery shall take  place. This field is only used for department delivery  (type 1).
    name xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Name of the person authorised to accept the  consignment. This field is only used for delivery with  ID-Check (types 2 and 4).
    phone xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 20

    Telephone number of the person authorised to  accept the consignment. This field is only used for  delivery with ID-Check (types 2 and 4). No required  data format.
    personId xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 35

    Personal identification number of the person  authorised to accept the consignment. This field is  only used for delivery with ID-Check (types 2 and  4).


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: pickup

    Description Bundles pickup data.

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    tour xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 999

    Tour number (between 000 and 999).
    quantity xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999

    Quantity of pickup parcels. Mandatory for  consignment.
    date xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 99999999

    Pickup date in consignments and collection  requests. The collection day for advice customers.  The from date for pickup information. Format is



    It can also be used as pickup date for collection  requests, then format is YYMMDD. Mandatory for  consignment.
    day xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 6

    Pickup day of week for consignments and pickup  information. Allowed values are 0..6 (0=Sunday,  1=Monday, etc.). Mandatory for consignment.
    fromTime1 xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 2400

    From time 1 for consignments and pickup  information. Format is hhmm. Mandatory for  consignment.
    toTime1 xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 2400

    Until time 1 for consignments and pickup  information. Format is hhmm. Mandatory for  consignment.
    fromTime2 xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 2400

    From time 2 for consignments and pickup  information. Format is hhmm.
    toTime2 xs:int /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 2400

    Until time 2 for consignments and pickup  information. Format is hhmm.
    extraPickup xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    True if extra pickup is requested.
    collectionRequest Address types:address /

    0 .. 1 /

    Contains pickup address information for  consignments and collection requests. Mandatory  for consignment.



    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: printOptions

    Description: Options how to return the parcel labels

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    printerLanguage xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /



    The language in which the parcel labels should be  returned. PDF as file output, ZPL for direct printing.

    In any case the output is base64 encoded.

    paperFormat xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /




    Declares the paper format for parcel label print,  either “A4” or “A6”. For direct printing the format has  to be set to “A6”. “A7” only for return labels, other  type are not allowed.
    printer types:printer / 0 .. 1 / Should not be used/included! Information about the printer. Enabled if direct  printing is selected.
    startPosition types:startPosition / 0 .. 1 / Start position for print on A4 paper.



    Complex Type: printer

    Description: Information about the printer, if direct printing is selected.

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    manufacturer xs:string / 0 .. 1 / The printer’s manufacturer. At the moment only for  informational purposes.
    model xs:string / 0 .. 1 / The printer’s model. At the moment only for  informational purposes.
    revision xs:string / 0 .. 1 / The printer’s revision / version. At the moment only  for informational purposes.
    offsetX xs:decimal /

    1 .. 1 /

    The horizontal offset in mm for the direct printer file  (Not used with normal PDF output).
    offsetY xs:decimal /

    1 .. 1 /

    The vertical offset in mm for the direct printer file  (Not used with normal PDF output).
    connectionType xs:string / 1 .. 1 /



    The connection type of the printer: serial or parallel  connection.
    barcodeCapable2D xs:boolean /

    1 .. 1 /

    If the printer can print AZTEC barcodes, set this flag  to true.


    Complex Type: proactiveNotification

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    channel xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /






    Defines type of proactive notification.

    Possible values are:

    1  = email

    2  = telephone

    3  = SMS

    6  = FAX

    7  = postcard

    value xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 50

    Data for proactive notification, e.g. telephone  number, email address, etc.

    The data format for the proactive message types  SMS, phone and FAX is as follows:

    +international country number#phone number Examples:



    rule xs:int /

    1 .. 1 /

    maxInclusive: 31

    Rule for which events a notification is sent. Each  event has a certain value. By adding the different  values it is possible to build combinations of events,  e.g. notification for pick-up and delivery is 5.

    The different values are:

    1  = pick-up

    2  = non-delivery

    4 = delivery

    8 = inbound

    16 = out for delivery

    language xs:string /

    1 .. 1 / length: 2

    Language of the proactive notification in ISO-3166-1  alpha-2 format (e.g. ‘DE’).


    Complex Type: productAndServiceData

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    orderType xs:string /

    1 .. 1 /


    collection request order pickup information

    Defines the shipment type.

    Possible values are: consignment

    collection request order pickup information

    saturdayDelivery xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Defines if saturday delivery is demanded. Only  selectable for product “E12”. Default value is false.
    exWorksDelivery xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Defines if the recipient has to pay the consignment.  Default value is false.
    guarantee xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Set to true if an international shipment shall use  Guarantee, only for products NP and E18 in  international parcels
    tyres xs:boolean /

    0 .. 1 /

    Set to true if this consignment contains bulk tyres,  only for product NP.
    personalDelivery types:personalDelivery /

    0 .. 1 /

    Contains information for personal delivery.
    pickup types:pickup /

    0 .. 1 /

    Contains information for pickup consignments,  pickup address for collection requests or details for  pickup information.
    parcelShopDelivery types:parcelShopDelivery


    0 .. 1 /

    Contains the necessary information, if a parcel shop  delivery is intended.
    predict types:notification / 0 .. 1 / Contains data for interactive notification for  consignments. Only channel e-mail and SMS is  allowed.
    personalDelivery Notification types:notification / 0 .. 1 / Contains data for personal delivery notification for  consignments.


    proactiveNotification types:proactive

    Notification /

    0 .. 5 /

    Contains information of proactive notification for  consignments.
    delivery types:delivery / 0 .. 1 / Contains special delivery data for consignments.
    invoiceAddress types:address /

    0 .. 1 /

    Contains data about invoice recipient if it differs for  consignment.
    countrySpecificService xs:string / 0 .. 1 / In some relations a specific service code can be set  which overwrites the feature selection.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: shipmentResponse

    Description Bundles shipment response data.

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    identificationNumber xs:string / 0 .. 1 / Serves as unique alphanumeric key of the shipment  used by customer.
    mpsId xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    maxLength: 25

    The shipment number for consignment data. If ordertype is pickup information, the shipment  number is an internal database id, which is necessary for technical support requests at  DPD.
    parcelInformation types:parcelInformation

    Type /

    0 .. * /

    Contains information about the single parcels.
    faults types:faultCodeType /

    0 .. 3 /

    Contains information about errors during shipment  order processing.

    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: shipmentServiceData

    Description Bundles shipment service data.

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    generalShipmentData types:generalShipment

    Data /

    1 .. 1 /

    Contains general data for a shipment.
    parcels types:parcel /

    0 .. * /

    Contains information for the parcels.
    productAndServiceData types:productAndService

    Data /

    1 .. 1 /

    Contains special data for a shipment.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: storeOrders

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    printOptions types:printOptions / printOptions types:printOptions / printOptions types:printOptions /
    order types:shipmentService

    Data /

    .. 30 /

    Contains the whole data for the shipments.



    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: storeOrdersResponse

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    orderResult types:storeOrders

    ResponseType /

    1 .. 1 /

    Contains return object.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: storeOrdersResponseType

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    parcellabelsPDF xs:base64Binary /

    0 .. 1 /

    Contains parcel label PDF data in bytes.
    shipmentResponses types:shipmentResponse


    0 .. * /

    Contains response data for every shipment order.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: product

    Description Product type will contain details of the product.


    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    name xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    Full name of the product
    description xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    Contains description of the product. May be multiline and contain descriptions for several languages (detailed specification of formatting will be provided).
    code xs:string /

    0 .. 1 /

    Code of the product to be used in order creation. Additional services will have it filled too, but they can’t be used in product attribute of the storeOrders method.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: getAvailableProductsAndServicesResponse

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    products types:product /

    0 ..  /

    Contains description of each available products.
    additionalServices types:product /

    0 ..  /

    Contains description of each available additional services.


    Namespace: types

    Complex Type: getAvailableProductsAndServices

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /




    Namespace: types_authentication


    Namespace: types_authentication

    Anonymous Complex Type of Element: authentication

    Description The data structure for authentication data.

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    delisId xsd:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    minLength: 8 maxLength: 10

    The delis user id for authentication.
    authToken xsd:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    minLength: 0 maxLength: 64

    The token for authentication. Field authToken of

    Login, as a result of

    Method “getAuth” of LoginService.

    messageLanguage xsd:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    minLength: 5 maxLength: 5

    The language (Java format) for messages.

    “de_DE” for german messages.

    “en_US” for english messages.


    Namespace: types_authentication

    Anonymous Complex Type of Element: authenticationFault

    Description: The data structure for authentication errors.

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    errorCode xsd:string / 1 .. 1 / The error code. Valid codes:



    errorMessage xsd:string /

    1 .. 1 /

    minLength: 1 maxLength: 255

    The error message text.


  4. Simple Types

    Namespace: types


    Namespace: types

    Simple Type: startPosition

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    startPosition xs:string /






    Start positions


  5. Elements

    Namespace: types


    Namespace: types

    Element: storeOrders

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    storeOrders types:storeOrders /

    1 .. 1 /

    See types:storeOrders


    Namespace: types

    Element: storeOrdersResponse

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    storeOrdersResponse types:storeOrders

    Response /

    .. 1 /

    See types:storeOrdersResponse


    Namespace: types

    Element: getAvailableProductsAndServices

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    getAvailableProductsAndServices types: getAvailableProductsAndServices/

    1 .. 1 /

    See types: getAvailableProductsAndServices


    Namespace: types

    Element: getAvailableProductsAndServicesResponse

    Field name Data type /

    Occurrence /


    getAvailableProductsAndServicesResponse types: getAvailableProductsAndServicesResponse/

    .. 1 /

    See types: getAvailableProductsAndServicesResponse


    Namespace: types_authentication



    Namespace: types_authentication

    Element: authentication

    Anonymous Complex Type types_authentication:authentication


    Namespace: types_authentication

    Element: authenticationFault

    Anonymous Complex Type types_authentication:authenticationFault


  6. Endpoints


    The Stage ShipmentService can be reached under:


    The Live ShipmentService can be reached under:

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