Manage recipients

  1. Manage recipients

    In the following screen you have a number of options:


    Action buttons (1)
    1 – List view
    2 – Grid display
    3 – Create a new recipient
    4 – Import recipients
    5 – Export recipients
    6 – Delete ALL recipients

    Quick promotions (2)
    1 – Edit recipient
    2 – Create shipment for this recipient
    3 – Remove the recipient

    When creating a new receiver you have to take a number of things into account:

    • ZIP codes must always be written without a space, e.g. Amsterdam = 1099DD instead of 1099 DD
    • The maximum length of the fields may not be exceeded.
    Field Max Length
    Name 35
    Name 2 35
    Contact 35
    Street 35
    Street 2 35
    Building number 8
    ZIP-code 8
    City 35
    Reference 35
    Phone 25
    Fax 25
    E-mail 50
    Comment 70
  2. How to back up your Address Book

    It’s strongly recommended to regularly back up your address book. To do so, follow these steps:

    1. Go to Recipients (address book) in the left menu
    2. Next, click on the Export all Recipients button in the top menu
    3. Finally, click on Export to CSV. If you have a large address book, this can take a while.
    4. This will generate a CSV file. It will normally automatically be saved in your Downloads folder. Please keep this file somewhere safe, as we will need it if we ever have to restore your address book for any reason.
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