User problems and questions

    Here you can find a list of the most common issues and questions about DPD Shipper. Most of these apply to both the Online and the Offline version.

    I can’t see my shipments in the list any more!

    Solution: Make sure you have no filter active. Uncheck the boxes in the filter bar and clear the search field:


    If you still don’t see them, go to the Parcels Grid (if you’re not there already)


    And remove all filters by clicking the red X button:


    I can’t see my Collection Requests any more!

    As above: make sure you have no filter active. Uncheck the boxes in the filter bar and clear the search field.
    Also make sure you’re in the proper listing view (Shipment List and not Parcels grid) which you can change with the button on top:


    I’m unable to save or print my shipment!

    Make sure you properly filled out every mandatory field with valid details. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*) and are colored light red. These fields are always mandatory:

    – Name
    – Street
    – Country
    – Zipcode
    – Town
    – Product
    – Weight of the parcel(s)

    If you have filled all the fields in but you can still not save, please verify that:

    – Your zipcode is correct and exists for that country. Verify this on
    – Name and Street can’t be longer than 35 characters each.
    – Make sure the Product you chose is allowed to the destination you wish to send to. Verify this with DPD Customer Service

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